سیستم آموزشی 2+5 چیست؟

سیستم آموزشی 2+5 یک سیستم آموزشی جامع همراه با پشتیبانی اساتید مجرب داخلی و خارجی برای مخاطبین دبیرستانی و فارغ التحصیلان دانشگاه‌ها می‌باشد.
در این سیستم اموزشی General English (GE) یا اطلاعات عمومی زبان انگلیسی در قالب سه سیستم TalkSi, Piece of Cake and EdSys به صورت محتوا محور. انلاین و حضوری برگزار میشود.
در این سیستم همچنان ESP (English for Specific Purpose) برای مخاطبین غیر زبانی که قصد مهاجرت و یا ادامه تحصیل دارند نیز اموزش داده میشود.
خدمت اموزشی دیگر موسسه باشگاه های کتابخوانی و فیلم بینی ما میباشد که زبان اموزان با عضویت در این باشگاه ها به کمک اساتید حرفه ای موسسه به نقد و بررسی فیلم ها و کتابهای برتر جهان میپردازند.
و خدمت اخر ما IE (International Exams) میباشد. اساتید ما در طول این دوره شمل رو برای شرکت در امتحان‌های بین المللی همچون KET, PET, FCE,CAE,TKT,IELTS,TOEFL همراهی آماده و اعزام می‌کند.

چرا پکیج آموزشی 5+2؟

  • اساتید مجرب
    تیمی متشکل از باتجربه‌ترین اساتید در ایران و خارج از ایران، در هر یک از دوره‌های این پکیج آموزش زبان انگلیسی به شما مشاوره خواهند داد.
  • کلاس‌های رفع اشکال
    بعد از گذراندن هر بسته آموزشی کلاسهای پرسش و پاسخ و رفع اشکال برایتان در نظر گرفته شده است.
  • دریافت مدرک معتبر
    پس از پایان هر دوره، و به شرط قبولی در ازمون های پلیان دوره مدرک معتبری از مراکز و ارگانهای داخلی و خارجی دریافت خواهید کرد.
  • پشتیبانی آموزشی
    از زمان خرید پکیج‌های زبان انگلیسی 5+2، پشتیبانی انلاین و تلفنی نیز در سیستم آموزشی برای شما در نظر گرفته شده است.

5+2 holistic learning environment helps students establish themselves as thinking individuals and well-adjusted members of society. They attain the skills to live a balanced life and know how to stay healthy and happy while achieving success in their chosen careers.


سیستم آموزشی Edsys

A1 (Beginner)

At A1 level, the learner must cover at least 80% of the below-mentioned items. These items include:

☐ Generally understanding oral speech provided that the speaker talks slowly.
☐ Understanding basic questions and simple instructions.
☐ Following a conversation provided they use simple language.
☐ Identifying basic numbers, prices, and times of the day.
☐ Understanding simple directions and basic means of transport

☐ Identifying basic information regarding people in a passage. For instance, their job, age, hobbies, etc.
☐ Following simple written directions.
☐ Fully understanding a form or a questionnaire and being able to fill it out successfully
☐ Understanding commonplace signs (No smoking, keep left, etc.)
☐ Understanding key functions in computer programs such as “PRINT”, “SAVE”, “COPY”, etc.
☐ Understand simple messages in an everyday context.
☐ Understanding simple messages on postcards, such as holiday greetings.
☐ locating a concert, gig, or an event in general on posters and figuring out when and where it takes place.

☐ Introducing oneself in a simple way
☐ Asking people questions about where they’re from, where they live, their hobbies, etc., and answer such questions provided they speak slowly.
☐ Making oneself understood simply provided the other end of the conversation speaks slowly and is willing to help
☐ Asking and answering simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need
☐ Introducing someone and using basic greetings and leave-taking phrases and expressions.
☐ Asking people for stuff and giving them stuff.
☐ Making simple purchases with the help of body language
☐ Indicating the time by phrases such as “next week”, “last Friday”, “in November”, and “3 o’clock”.
☐ Using basic numbers, quantities, costs, or prices and times.

☐ Giving personal information such as place of origin, age, family, hobbies, phone number, address, etc.
☐ Describing the place one lives.

☐ Asking someone to speak more slowly or in simpler terms
☐ Indicating that one is unable to fully grasp something
☐ Asking someone to repeat themselves

☐ Providing a short introductory passage (an informal email) about myself
☐ Filling in a questionnaire with my personal information (name, age, nationality, profession, address, hobbies
☐ Writing a note to tell someone where l am or where we should meet
☐ Writing a greeting card (a Birthday Card, Mother’s Day, Thank You Card, etc.)

A2 (Elementary)

At A2 level, the learner must cover at least 80% of the below-mentioned items. These items include:

☐ Understanding what is said in simple everyday conversations.
☐ Being able to identify the main topic of discussion moderately.
☐ Understanding phrases, words, and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority such as very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, and employment.
☐ Catching the main point of discussion in simply put messages.
☐ Understanding the major information in short recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters.
☐ Identifying the main point of TV news items with the help of visuals.

☐ Identifying important information in news websites or newspaper articles with the help of numbers and names.
☐ Understanding simple personal or informal letters about everyday life.
☐ Understanding simple texts from friends or colleagues.
☐ Finding the major pieces of information in leaflets.
☐ Skim reading short and basic advertisements in newspapers, locate the heading I’m looking for and focus on the most important pieces of information such as the price and size of apartments or cars, politics, crime section, etc.
☐ Understanding simple user instructions for everyday devices such as a ticket dispenser, a public telephone, etc.
☐ Understanding feedback instructions or simple help indications in computer programs.
☐ Understanding short narratives about everyday matters put in simple language.

☐ Making simple purchases in shops, cafés, post offices, or banks.
☐ Using public transportation such as buses, the subway, and taxis, asking for basic information, and buying tickets.
☐ Getting simple information and directions.
☐ Ordering something to eat or drink at a café or restaurant.
☐ Making simple purchases by saying what good I want and asking for its price.
☐ Asking for and giving directions with the help of a map.
☐ Asking how people are and the way they react to certain news.
☐ Inviting people and either accepting or rejecting invitations.
☐ Making and accepting apologies.
☐ Saying the things I like or dislike.
☐ Discuss with others about what to do and make plans.
☐ Asking people questions about what they do at work or in their free time and answering such questions.

☐ Giving simple information about oneself, their family, and others.
☐ Giving simple information about where one lives.
☐ Giving basic and short descriptions of events.
☐ Providing my educational background, my past and current job.
☐ Describing my hobbies and interests.
☐ Describing past experiences and activities.

☐ Asking for attention.
☐ Indicating whether I am following a conversation or not.
☐ Asking someone to repeat what they said.

☐ Writing basic notes and messages.
☐ Describe an event in simple sentences and report what happened when and where.
☐ Writing about aspects of my everyday life (people, places, job, school, family, hobbies, etc.)
☐ Fill in a form or a questionnaire about my educational background, my job, my interests, and my skills.
☐ Introducing myself briefly in a letter (family, school, job, hobbies).
☐ Writing a short letter to greet, ask, or thank somebody.
☐ Writing simple sentences and successfully connecting them with connectors such as “and”, “but”, and “because”.
☐ Using connecting words to demonstrate the chronological order of events (first, second, then after, later, etc.).

B1 (Intermediate)
At B1 level, the learner must cover at least 80% of the below-mentioned items. These items include:
1. Listening
☐  Following articulated speech directed at me in everyday conversation, though I sometimes have to ask the speaker to repeat.
☐  Following the main points of extended discussion around me, provided the speech is said in a clear accent.
☐  Understanding the main points of radio news bulletins or shows, simpler recorded material on topics of personal interest put in a relatively slow and clear way.   
☐  Listening to a short narrative and predicting what will happen.              
☐  Understanding basic technical information or instructions, such as operating instructions for common devices.
☐  Catching the main points in a TV show on familiar topics provided the speaker talks in a relatively slow and clear way.
2. Reading
☐  Understanding the main points in short newspaper articles about current and common subjects.
☐  Guessing the meaning of unknown words in a familiar context.
☐  Reading and understanding columns or interviews in newspapers or websites about a current topic.
☐  Understanding the plot of a simple story and identifying key events in them.
☐  Understanding major information in common information brochures.
☐  Understanding simple messages and standard letters (from businesses, clubs, or authorities).
☐  Concerning private letters or texts, understanding the parts dealing with events, feelings, and wishes good enough to correspond frequently with a penfriend or such.
☐  Skim reading short passages and getting an overall understanding of the passage.
3. Spoken Production
☐  Narrating a simple story.             
☐ Summarizing short passages orally in a simple way with the help of referring to the original text.              
☐ Giving simple accounts of memories or experiences, describing feelings and reactions
☐  Explaining and giving reasons for my plans or acts.       
☐ Relating the plot of a book or film and expressing feelings towards it.    
☐  Describing dreams, hopes, and ambitions.
4. Strategies
☐  Asking someone to clarify or further elaborate what has been said.                  
☐  Repeating back part of what someone has said to ensure mutual understanding.
☐Using a “correction” strategy (saying something similar to the intended word and inviting correction).
Language Quality
☐Keeping a conversation going comprehensibly. Pauses are needed from time to time.
☐ Transferring simple information of immediate need.        
☐  Having a wide enough range of vocabulary to express myself on common topics related to my everyday life such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events.
5. Writing
☐  Writing simple connected sentences on a range of topics and can express personal opinions.
☐  Writing simple texts about experiences or events for a school newspaper or on a website
☐  Writing a simple CV
☐  Describing in a personal letter or text the plot of a film or a book or giving an account of an event such as a concert.
☐ Conveying via e-mail or texting – basic factual information to friends or colleagues
☐Writing to advertisement contacts and asking for more information about products (for example a car or an academic course).
☐  Expressing feelings in a letter or text (grief, happiness, interest, regret, and sympathy, etc.) 
☐ Write personal letters or texts to friends and tell them about your experiences.
B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
At the B2 level, the learner must cover at least 80% of the below-mentioned items. These items include:
☐ Being able to identify a speaker’s mood and tone.
☐ Following a lecture or speech centered on my field of expertise.
☐Understanding TV documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays, and the majority of films in standard dialect.
☐ Understanding what is generally being said in standard spoken language even in a disruptive environment.
☐ Understanding the main ideas of complex conversations on both literal and figurative topics provided they’re delivered in a standard dialect, including technical matters in my field of expertise.
☐ Using a range of different strategies to achieve full comprehension, such as aiming for main points; and checking understanding by the use of contextual clues.
☐ Skim reading the main point of news, articles, and reports on topics related to my interests or my occupation, and later on decide whether a deeper reading (Scanning) is Necessary.
☐ Scanning through a manual (for instance for a computer program or mobile phone application) and identifying the relevant parts.
☐ Understanding in detail passages regarding my field of interest or regarding my academic or professional expertise.
☐ Understanding in a narrative (a movie, video game, play, etc.) the intentions or motives for the character’s actions.
☐ Understanding reviews featuring the content and criticism of cultural topics (films, theatre, books, and concerts) and summarizing the main points.
☐ Reading letters regarding one’s areas of academic or professional expertise and identifying the key points.
☐Understanding articles and reports on current issues in which the authors express specific attitudes (In other words, a subjective narrative).
☐Understanding specialized passages outside my field of interest or academic or professional expertise with the help of a dictionary (for instance the solution to a specific problem).
☐ Giving clear, detailed descriptions of a wide range of subjects featuring one’s field of interest.
☐ Understanding and summarizing orally short extracts from the news, interviews, TV shows, or documentaries containing opinions and various arguments.
☐ Understanding and orally summarizing the plot of a movie or play in its chronological order.
☐ Elaborating in a logically comprehensible way (by linking my ideas logically)
☐ Elaborating on the various positive and negative points surrounding an issue.
☐Examining the various causes, consequences, and hypothetical situations and elaborating on them.
☐ Using time-killing phrases such as “There’s no straightforward answer to that!” to buy time and keep the turn while coming up with an answer.
☐ Make a note of “favorite mistakes”.
☐ Identifying and correcting slips and errors.
☐ Being able to speak without much hesitation with a reasonably even tempo. Pauses are probable but not long ones.
☐ Transferring detailed information reliably.
☐ Having a wide range of vocabulary to express myself featuring my field and on most general topics.
☐ Communicating in a reasonably accurate way.
☐ Being able to correct mistakes if they cause misunderstandings.
☐ Writing clear and detailed texts (compositions, reports, or texts of presentations, content) on various common topics.
☐ Writing summaries or basic criticism of common articles.
☐ Summarizing information from a range of sources and media.
☐ Discussing a topic in a work of art or “Letter to the editor”, giving reasons for or against a specific point of view.
☐ Elaborating on events and real or fictional situations or experiences in a detailed and comprehensible way.
☐ Developing an argument logically in a composition or report, highlighting major points.
☐ Reporting the news of the day in a subjective light (indicating one’s feelings towards it).
☐ Expressing in a personal letter, e-mail, or text a range of feelings and attitudes.
☐ Writing a short review of a film, TV show, series, or book.
C1 (Advanced)
At the C1 level, the learner must cover at least 80% of the below-mentioned items. These items include:

☐ Following extended speeches or conversations even when it is not structured and when relationships are subtly implied rather than stated directly.
☐ Understanding extremely informal language provided the speaker talks slowly.
☐ Looking for specific information even in poor quality public announcements, e.g., in a subway, at a mall, in a sports stadium, etc.
☐ Understanding lectures, interviews, debates, and reports in my field of professional or academic interest even when they are
☐ Linguistically challenging.
☐Understanding complex technical information (operating instructions)
☐Understanding an extensive range of idiomatic expressions
☐ Understand movies featuring slang and idiomatic language without much difficulty

☐ Understanding extensive and challenging texts and summarizing them orally.
☐ Being able to summarize challenging texts orally.
☐Being able to read and understand contemporary literary texts easily.

☐ Scanning for specific information, ideas, and opinions in extremely specialized texts in my field, for instance, academic papers, or research reports.
☐ Going beyond the surface plot of a story or narrative and uncovering underlying meanings and ideas.
☐ Being able to read and fully understand any correspondence (with seldom the help of a dictionary).
☐ Being able to analyze challenging reports, highlighting major viewpoints and comparing them.
☐ Being able to research or identify the socio-political or historical background of a literary piece of work.
☐ Understanding long complex instructions, for example for the use of a new piece of equipment, even if these are not related to my job or field of interest, provided I have enough time to reread them.

☐ Employing language for social purposes (demonstrating emotions, joking, etc.)
☐ Expressing opinions or elaborating on one’s ideas clearly and logically.
☐Following an animated conversation between native speakers.
☐ Employing the language fluently, and accurately regarding a variety of general, professional, or academic subjects.

☐ Being able to orally provide a summary of long, challenging passages.
☐ Being able to provide a clear and detailed elaboration on complicated matters.

☐ Being able to an impressive presentation regarding one’s fields of personal or professional interest. Deviating when needed from the script and answering questions put by the audience.
☐ Being able to provide an extensive account of something, elaborating on themes proposing arguments, and concluding elaborately.

☐ Being able to employ a wide range of expressions to both preface one’s statements and buy time.
☐ Coming up with a similar term for a word one is unable to recall.

☐Expressing oneself fluently and spontaneously smoothly. Challenging subjects may obstruct the natural flow.
☐Producing clear, smooth, and well-structured speech.
☐ Dominating a wide range of vocabulary allows gaps to be readily overcome with circumlocutions.
☐ Maintaining an impressively high amount of grammatical accuracy.

☐ Expressing myself on a wide range of general or professional subjects in a clear manner in written form.
☐ Presenting a challenging subject in a clear and well-structured form.
☐Featuring elements in writing that indicate a high level of grammatical accuracy and employ extensive vocabulary while keeping form decorum.

☐ Merging various information out of different contexts or sources and analyzing or comparing them coherently in a summary.
☐ Providing a detailed account of experiences, feelings, and events in a personal letter, e-mail, or text.
☐ Employing various styles of writing to match the audience.
☐ Highlighting major points and viewpoints in a composition, a report, or an essay.
☐ correctly composing formal letters, for instance, complaint letters, persuasive letters, etc.

C2 (Proficiency)

At the C2 level, the learner must cover at least 80% of the below-mentioned items. These items include:

☐ One does not encounter any sort of difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language (different accents, bad-quality records, spoken in a fast, native-like way).

☐ Understanding passages written in an extremely colloquial style which includes a variety of idiomatic expressions or slang.
☐ Understanding contemporary and classical literary texts in various genres (poetry, prose, and drama).
☐ Reading and fully understanding passages such as literary columns and literary criticism.
☐ Understanding manuals and contracts even regarding unfamiliar fields.
☐Reading and fully understanding the underlying meanings in satirical glosses.
☐ Recognizing different stylistic means for instance metaphors, puns, ambiguity, symbols, and connotations)
☐ Being able to identify and appreciate satire or irony (Texts where the surface meaning is artificial and hides a subtle meaning
☐ Recognizing play on words (puns)

☐ Being able to orally summarize information from a variety of sources.
☐ Giving a presentation on ideas or viewpoints to highlight, classify certain info, and solve problems regarding ambiguity.
☐ Reconstructing arguments in a coherent presentation and making comparisons effectively.

☐ Being able to avoid a difficulty so smoothly without the interlocutor noticing.
☐ Being able to initiate a business meeting successfully and impressively.

☐ Expressing myself naturally and effortlessly; the only pause needed is to select the right words.
☐Conveying more elaborate layers of meaning by using a considerably wide range of expressions to support certain statements.
☐ Having considerable control over idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms, fully aware of their connotations
☐ Maintaining grammatical control of complex language structures even when distracted.

☐ Writing well-structured and coherent reports, articles, or essays on controversial issues.
☐Being able to provide an overarching account of a subject based on research data.
☐ Writing clear, well-structured complex letters in an appropriate style, for instance, applications or requests.
☐ Writing a critical review of cultural events (literature, film, TV show, or theatre).
☐ Summarizing the opinions or stances of others providing comparisons where relevant and evaluating detailed information and facts.
☐ Writing narratives regarding experiences or memories in a clear, structured form.
☐ Writing proper summaries of factual texts and literary works.
☐ Writing a well-structured review of a paper or a project giving reasons for my opinion.
☐ Expressing oneself in a deliberately ironic or humorous manner in text, e-mail, or a written letter.